23 July 2013

slowly returning

we will be slowly returning back to california today. driving back through my beloved mountains and then out back across the desert. we will do it in stages. letting this time out here, pull quietly away from our physical selves, to in turn, rest in our memories of summer.


  1. Safe travels. You have some beautiful country ahead!

  2. I look forward to your gorgeous photography along the way!
    Safe travels.
    Tammy xx

  3. What an adventure. What an amazing landscape.

  4. Oh safe travels! Those clouds....gush. XO

  5. Just had a chance to catch up a tiny bit, as you are slowly leaving Colorado we will be slowly making our way there. We will settle in the end of next week, I hope I have time then to send an email your way. The photos are gorgeous - I am excited for my boys to be back in the mountains as well. I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip on your way back west!!!!!!
    chey xo


hello there! I love it so when you leave a bit of a note to let me know how you are and what you are thinking. I always love to hear about the things inspiring you and moving you through your day.

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