05 March 2013

+best blogging bootcamp advice for beginners continues + + +

best blogging bootcamp advice for beginners continues, and it is to...
& look for more blogging bootcamp advice for beginners right here & here.....

Here are some kinfolk that have good advice.

+Ana at Blog Milk, not only has beautiful design and good graphics, she also has sound advice. Find Blog Milk here. 
+A Beautiful Mess is run by Elsie & Emma. They touch on almost every topic there is out there from DIY to fashion, but they also offer blogging tips. Find some of their advice here.
+Moe at Five Sixteenths is lovely, and her blog is full of smart ideas and design.  It also has many practical tips on blogging that you should visit her often as well. Here is one of her articles.

What blogging tips or websites have helped you? What have you learned since you started blogging? Or if you only read blogs, what draws you into one? I would love to know!


  1. This post was wonderful! Thank you for such great encouragement to bloggers everywhere. I think the photos are the first thing that draw me into a blog. Photos I can (or can't) relate to. I've also found that I get excited about blogs which tell me how to do something, or where I can find the products that are used in a blog post. By products, I mean books, music, craft, knitting products. Things that I like. And finally- what I've learned through blogging? That I pay more attention to moments of beauty in my day, more attention to the natural world. My camera is always with me, and the idea that I can SHARE this moment of beauty on my blog motivates me to seek out even more beautiful moments. Thank you so much for sharing some blogging thoughts!

    1. You made my day! I had been thinking for a while about the odd learning curve blogging is and I wrote it all down super quickly. Then I added (for the most part) photos I had taken when I went to Yosemite National Park this january. but these last few days I have been having seconds thoughts...do folks care what I think about blogging? I was thinking of re-working them, but now I am not. just. because. it. spoke to you! xo


hello there! I love it so when you leave a bit of a note to let me know how you are and what you are thinking. I always love to hear about the things inspiring you and moving you through your day.

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