08 March 2013

thoughts from the day

It is well after midnight as I write this. Last few days have been gray & cool. There was a smattering, spritzing sprinkles this morning and now the quiet drips and tinkering of rain splattering here and there across our roof lull my soul a bit. I have been restless these past hours. Struggling to center myself amidst the boys spring-time distraction. Their bodies want to play and move, while all I want is for them to sit still for 5 more minutes and finish their work, finish their supper, finish their chores, complete a task. As I lie here, I remember these spring days haunted me when I was younger. I too wanted to dash across yards, lie in the warming sun, shed my shoes and unwrap myself from the grips of winter.
There was a stretch there that every afternoon I came home from school I would tell my father I had no homework, then I would skip on out to play. After dinner, I would suddenly "remember." Then I would be up late, past everyone's bedtime finishing, or even worse, not getting it done at all and getting in trouble, again. In this late quiet, I wonder, "what was I thinking?" or perhaps more appropriately, "What were my parent's thinking?" I don't have the answers to that, I am sure my father wouldn't remember enough to let me know why they let me do this for months, years on end in springtime, he was very busy. And my mom has passed so I can't ask her. She had her own shop way back then, so perhaps she wasn't paying attention much to my school work either, except when my grades came home.

I share this as I smile. I KNOW my boys perhaps more than they think I know them. We are cut of the same cloth, taken down from the same strip of sky, shaken out of the rippling milky way together.
 I just wish I could convey better to them, that work and play CAN go hand in hand. And if you get your work done first, it will make the play all that more delightful.


  1. It's good that you can remember feeling the same as a child, that way you can encourage your boys from a place of understanding. I think my parents had completely forgotten what being a child/teen was like (and actually our experiences of these years were very different). You're doing a great job.

    1. awwww. thanks. I am not sure if I am doing a great job, but I am sure I am constantly wishing I was doing a better job at this parenting thing, which hopefully, at least slightly helps me become a better mother. there were so many times in my early 20's that i remember analyzing my parents' faults and trying to come up with better solutions. Now I know they were really doing the best they could at the time, but I hope I can still learn from the mis-haps from my own upbringing and convey a bit of a different path for the boys. crossing fingers these boys end up alright. xo

  2. Oh those spring times sound kind of magical! My girls are far from learning this too xx

    1. sigh. wishing by shear osmosis that I could will my boys to understand it without any struggle what so ever.xo


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