11 March 2013

gratitude monday

These Clouds.
I am so grateful for these clouds that built up across the horizon this past week. They came tumbling over the Santa Monica Mountains and made the boys and I stop in our tracks on the way to school. They were breathtaking. My sorry excuse for a camera does them no justice.

These Palm Trees.
I am so grateful for these Palm Trees. I was out for a morning jaunt and there they were. They reminded me of living, living here close to the sea and how one grows over time. I was grateful for their tall beauty against the bright blue sky.

This Kitchen.
I am so so very grateful for this kitchen. It is where one of my dearest friends makes me tea, makes me lunch, chats with me about her life, my life. So grateful for the sitting and the drinking and the listening and chatting. 

This Teal Blue House
It makes me grateful for choices and non-conformity. It is in our neighborhood and at first I was shocked when it was recently painted this color. Now I think, wow, that is so cheery. Who ever owns this house OWNS their LOVE of color. It makes me so very grateful for boldness and bravery.

The Process of Writing and Creating. 
I am grateful for it. Somedays I want to runaway from myself, from the doldrums, from the ho-hums, from life in all of its back-aching living. And yet, when I sit down to write or draw, no matter whether is is fruitful or anything of quality, I am brought back to a centered place, back to my own interior quiet.  

What are you grateful for this week? xo


  1. Those cloud images are stunning! I can get a little lost watching the clouds x

    1. thanks so Elisa. Watching the clouds is a favorite activity here. Thanks for saying that the cloud images are stunning as I truly feel I did not do them justice at all. Hope your week is unfolding well! xo

  2. Beautiful sky, it's nice to put the head up and forget everything. xx


    1. Thanks so! Sometimes my head is up so much I forget what is going on down below. Thanks so for stopping in to say hello! xo

  3. beautiful post!
    :) Liz @ rusticpeach.com

    1. thanks so much Liz! Hope all is well on your side of L.A. :-) xo

  4. Grateful for coffee in the morning, quiet time....grateful for space to move and run around in our neighborhood...grateful for the mountain behind our house that gives us something beautiful to look at and provides shade in the late afternoon...grateful for the concept of "mindfulness" which reminds me to truly be present in every moment. Thank you for such a nice post.

    1. Oh Lisa, what a lovely & poetic voice you have. Thanks so for a small window into all the things you are grateful for. Love mountains, and coffee and neighbors! thank you for being so "mindful" in your comments and in your posts on your blog. xo

  5. The teal blue house is stunning. Where I live there's a thing for pink houses, they certainly do liven up the landscape! I am grateful for my baby. She lights up my days. I love her so much. And my husband...he's ok too ;)

    1. Thanks so Juliet! Isn't funny how freshly painted and cared for houses liven up the landscape?
      So glad you have that sweet munchkin in your life. Babies give us so much to be thankful for: their health, how the "light up" our days, their giggles and grins...also sleep, my children always make me grateful for sleep.

  6. Beautiful photos and i adore that teal house- i use a lot of colour both in my home and my clothes and accessories (i can be found wearing 4 different colours some days). Very beautiful gratefuls!

    1. Oh thanks so for your kind words Deb! I love colour, but am just so bashful about using it. I am sure you can carry four colours so very well! xo

  7. Well, I think you and your camera have done a lovely job! I definitely have a thing for clouds too, and no matter what side of the globe your living on, they still look fabulous.
    And I think that teal house is a beauty.
    Lisa :)

    1. thanks so much Lisa. I love when clouds fill in the sky just so. It is always breathtaking. It is so funny how the teal house brings so much cheery joy! hope you are having a lovely start to your week. xxoo


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